The Meeting

They weren’t supposed to meet like this. He had been warned that it would be his head if anyone found out. Management was clear. No fraternising between staff.

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New Year. New Me?

Happy 2022! May it be better than this the last 2. I’ve just gone back to work, after a long break, and can get back into my writing! The below piece is about the finality of NYE. The idea of starting fresh in a new year, that somehow all our problems will magically go away.

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Liar, liar, pants on fire.

Hey, gang. Below is a very brief character development that came out in a bit of stream of consciousness writing. It’s a fantasy novel, so I’m sure there is a paranormal twist here. I just haven’t figured it out yet.

Enjoy. Until next week.

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Good morning, or afternoon, or evening depending on when and where you are reading this. A small piece of fiction for your enjoyment. Or non-enjoyment, don’t let me tell you what to do.

Until next time.

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The takeover.

This wasn’t what she expected. Not this fizzing in her blood, or the pulsing inside her. It felt like a second membrane, hidden just under the surface, pressing against the thin sheath of her skin.

She checked the reflection in the mirror to make sure the face was still intact. It was, mostly, she adjusted the fringe to hide the small tear at the hairline. As long as it didn’t bleed, no one would notice.

They told her it was going to be a simple assignment. Take over the human, and kill the CEO of some company she couldn’t pronounce and frame this human.

The human was supposed to relinquish the hold on the body, like all the others. This one was different. She wasn’t fading away.

Eventually she would have no choice.

Failure was not an option.

Come on over and friend me on Facebook at Lisa Lancaster.

Photo by Katelyn Fay via Flickr, licensed under Creative Commons


I’m not a runner. At. All. Too many bits jiggly and wobble for it to be enjoyable. In my head I have a perfect image of how it would be to go out for a run, then I get excited, get up early, try it and remember that I’m not fit, and I hate waking up before the sun. In reality my zen is a quiet cup of coffee watching the sun come up wrapped in a blankie on my lounge.

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Reality check.

I’m very lucky that during COVID I have been able to work from home and send my 3 year old to my mum’s place instead of to day care, and my 7 year old is pretty self sufficient. My entire workplace is working from home so there is some understanding about workload and juggling family responsibilities. Sometimes I work late at night to catch up but that’s absolutely fine because that’s the trade off for an interrupted workday.

Below is a pretty close look at the realities when everyone is home. Maybe you can relate. Except I actually have a wonderful boss.

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One day…

Last Saturday I was typing while sitting on the lounge with my daughter who’s 7. She asked me to read her a few lines from what I was working on. I told her it was an adult book but I could find her something. She then asked me if I could write something that she could read. This is what we wrote together. Enjoy.

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It’s the Wine.

Good morning beautiful WordPress community

In NSW Australia we have been in lockdown since June. I’ve been fortunate to be working from home during that time. I lost my 2 hour commute which is my writing time. I hadn’t worried about it stupidly thinking I’d be back in the office in a few weeks. It’s September, so I need to keep going with this small piece of joy.

Maybe some can relate to the below? I’ve been living in yoga pants, t-shirts, hoodie and slippers since June. I never want to wear pants with a zips again, let alone a dress.

Hope it gives you a little giggle.

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Morning everyone! I’m finding I turn more inwards and am daydreaming longer than before. Below could be that start of another book. Fingers crossed the muse likes it. Wherever you are, have a glorious day.

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