Blogger Appreciation Award


I want to say a huge thank you to K.D. Dowdall at Midnight In The Garden

This wonderfully talented writer has nominated me for the Blogger Appreciation Award. Which coming from someone like her, is a massive compliment and my cheeks still hurt from smiling! Go over and check out her blog, trust me, it’ll be worth your time.

 The Rules

*Thank the person who nominated you, and give a link to his/her blog.

*List the rules.

*Display the image of the award on your post.

*Tell the readers something about you personally.

*Nominate as many bloggers for this award as you wish, and notify them to let them know you have nominated them.

Something about myself

When I’m not working, I’m writing or reading. I have a toddler, Miss 2 and a very understanding husband, who has the unfortunate task of turning my ramblings into something that can read. I have a cat called Toby, who’s a ginger ninja and a ladies man.

I have written four novels. YAY ME. Written to me is first draft done, which is why there’s four. Two are in various editing stages. The third is typed without a first edit and the fourth is sitting in three note books waiting for my fingers to hit the keys.


I hate this part. Mostly because I don’t want people to feel left out. So again, I’m going to open this to everyone. Basically, if I’m following your blog, then I appreciate the work you do and this award is for you!

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