One day…

Last Saturday I was typing while sitting on the lounge with my daughter who’s 7. She asked me to read her a few lines from what I was working on. I told her it was an adult book but I could find her something. She then asked me if I could write something that she could read. This is what we wrote together. Enjoy.

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Sun, Moon and Stars

I had a strange realisation over the weekend. I was drawing with my two year old and I was working hard on a mountain scene straight from The Sound of Music. Of course it ended up looking like a smooch of green, yellow and blue because well, I can’t draw. Anyway, I was working away with the crayons when she pulled the paper out from under me and threw it down the stairs. A little dramatic, it wasn’t that bad. I asked her why she threw it away because I had worked so hard on it.

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I was one of ‘those’ Children

I have been thinking a lot lately about the influences that shape my writing. I wanted to get it down, just to see where I started and to give me some perspective as to where I am going. Continue reading