
Does anyone really care about what I write? I’m not searching for appreciation or validation. I am just wondering. I mean, does it really matter if I finish my books or even this blog post.

Perhaps everything I write has been written before, or at least thought about by a writer who is much more talented than me and then dismissed the idea as garbage, then threw it on the idea pile for the next poor sod who collects their idea droppings. That’s probably me, waving up at them from their pile of fabulous poop.

I’m not wallowing here. I just got to the end of my third novel, and I am truly wondering if everything I write is boring or unoriginal. Is this something that plagues all writers or indeed artists from time to time? That what I have written is utter crap and people would Boringbe stupid or at least under the influence to enjoy this utter drivel. Well that’s what I thought after finishing my first edit of my second novel. So many bad, bad things. It’s insecurity isn’t it? I’m insecure about my writing. Maybe if I bundle it up into a little ball of cotton wool and hide it in my pocket or at the bottom of my handbag, it will remain safe and no one will actually know that I am boring and unoriginal.

I read somewhere that all the stories that could have been written have been. I suppose all the same themes are written over and over again. So doesn’t that mean we are all unoriginal, if not boring. Maybe not everyone. In my own work I have love triangles, which really is a theme as old as time. I also have betrayal, love, rivalry and friendship. Unoriginal themes they may be but I hope they don’t combine into a boring story. I do think this all comes back to insecurity.

Is anyone ever 100% secure in what they create? For me especially, there is always an element of fear that what I have written is utter poop and I should not ever share it with anyone. Even published writers must go through this, surely with every work they produce there is a little sliver of fear and insecurity that the editor will hate it or the publisher won’t like it or worse the readers will hate it! Like burn the book when they’ve finished reading it and posting the video on You Tube – hate it. It might be worse. What about if they love it and expect the same gripping and rip roaring story as you wrote the last time? What if I only have one interesting, original and un-boring piece of work in me. Fingers crossed that is not the case.

You know meme
I don’t know if I have overcome this but I am surrounded by people who believe in what I write and that is a fantastic environment to be in when you are afraid and trying to be fearless.

How do you overcome this? Or are you never afraid or insecure about your work – and if so how can I be like you?

Come on over and friend me on Facebook at Lisa Lancaster. 

Photo by Chris Murphy  via Flickr, licensed under Creative Commons
Gif by Popkey


78 thoughts on “Boooooooring!

  1. I’m still very young and I haven’t written any books so not sure how much I can contribute. The most important thing is that you overcame your fear. What you share is not at all boring, and you gave us a chance to show you that.

    I only just started writing, so I can relate to how you feel. One thing I can say is I’m not scared to fail anymore. I’d rather put bad writing out than nothing at all because it can only get better. I’d love to hear your thoughts on Entry #5 on my blog!

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  2. Wow – you really started a conversation here! That’s very special and not at all boring or poop. Congratulations on finishing three novels! I will be very excited when I make it to the end of number 1. Best wishes x

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  3. I don’t think there an end to the road in that tug o’ war, I contend with the same thing. Wondering why responses to my literary missives are few and far between definitely feed into that complex of “I’m a crappy writer”.

    Do what only those of our ilk can, write some more!

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  4. Hey, I have just found this post today just by chance and I have written a post very similar talking about this yesterday. I’m not saying go and read it (although you might now pitty me and no matter what I say it will convince you one way or another) but I just wanted to say I understand what you mean. Additionally, I think whether it is to do with intertextuality, narrative of themes, there is a sense that nothing will ever be original, but influenced. That is true but that the same time we don’t finish a project we abandon it because there will always be a sense of going back, tweaking it and it never being fully finished. And that’s okay. I don’t think it really matters what is written is considered unoriginal, as long as it is good and quality writing, then that will be miles better than a plot that seems to be awesome but the writing is very thin and flat. That is my personal take on it. Hope you have a good day ^_^

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi! I will go over and check it out! I love meeting new bloggers (well new to me anyway!) I think you’re right, and that’s the general vein of the comments I’m getting is that even if it’s unoriginal, I haven’t said it before and that’s worth something. Even if it’s only to me.

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      • Hello. It is lovely meeting new bloggers. I think because the motivation comes from ourselves, we have to think are we happy with it and not what others are happy with. Because I knew when I was doing art if I didn’t like what I was working on, what would be the point. Thank you very much. Very nice meeting you

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  5. Lisa – If You are truly happy with your work, then that is the final judgement on it. I’m reminded of a passage in Benjamin Hoff’s “The Tao of Pooh” – I don’t think Mr Hoff would mind but here’s what the mystical poet Han-Shan wrote on the subject.

    A scholar called Wang, Laughed at my poems.
    The accents are wrong, he said,
    Too many beats; The meter is poor
    The wording – impulsive.

    I laugh at his poems – as he laughs at mine
    They read like a the words of a blind man
    Describing the sun.

    Bottom line : If you like your posts, and others are enjoying them – Keep on writing them….

    All the best


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    • I just read some fantastic advise from Tre over at A Cornered Gurl. She said to write for the universe. I’m paraphrasing but isn’t that a wonderful way to write. Not to please anyone but yourself and the powers that be. You know what? I’m getting happier by the day!

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  6. I’m quite new to writing (it’s been a year now) and I started to write with some encouragement from my ex wife for myself, because I had some ideas. Not to impress anyone, not to be a published author (although that cool!) but just because it’s what I wanted to do. I found some apps and posted some stuff and people seemed to like what I wrote which gave me the confidence to write more and to write different genres and types of poetry. When you write something it doesn’t matter whether it’s good or bad I think you learn and grow every time! Keep writing Lisa and I’ll keep reading for sure! 😀👍

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  7. There are times I actually sit and wonder what to write about, other times I feel scared about writing something that doesn’t make sense but the good part of it is that, I feel sick and incomplete when I don’t write, so it’s better for me to write something and know it deep within me that people will love it as much as I do. Love your blog✌

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    • I think i read the same thing! I was doing some editing today of a short story and its something I’ve never written before. And I was really enjoying reading it and I’m excited about sharing it. Maybe I’m learning to love my own voice.

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  8. Look Lisa – you can see your writing is a complete waste by the time by the simple fact that no-one bothers to comment on your posts. I mean, I’d never comment on your posts, ever….hey, aren’t I just the funniest? Is it intimidating having someone so ironic and hilarious commenting on your post? I’m thinking it must be….Modest Nick

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    • Ha! I am completely overwhelmed and fan girl-ing over here because you have taken then time out of your day of writing to your fans and have commented on my ameatur blog post! Lol! I’m actually taken aback that so many people have taken the time to comment with their own struggles with this, and with wonderful words of encouragement.

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  9. I read somewhere that all the stories that could have been written have been. – Id change that to all themes have been done before, but never the same twice.

    I feel the pain, but just keep writing. Perspective can change within days if not weeks. Being original is great, but nobody truly is: since the first ever story was told people have riffed and added bits, taken things away and here we are. We also happen to be the most exposed generation to narrative in the history of the planet. We see stories every single day from crappy five second ads to tv, to books to blogs etc etc.

    Keep writing Lisa ☺

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    • True. Themes are universal no matter what story is being written. It’s just that some days I start writing and think this is all crap, someone’s done this before. Maybe it’s because everything is so accessible. Thanks Lion, I’m off to do just that! 😊

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  10. I do the same thing with photography. I’ll see something, and rather than grabbing my camera I’ll say to myself does anyone need to see another sunset or bird on a fence. With all the beautiful pictures in the world who would want to look at mine. I went through the same thing on the professional side, I would compare my work to others and wonder if it was good enough. Luckily my wife (Nikki @ A Kinder Way) is very encouraging and smacks me when i start doubting myself. When it comes to creativity, if your happy that’s all that matters. If someone else likes what you did, that’s the frosting.

    Great blog, thank you for sharing something that i think a lot of people battle with.


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  11. Every writer is afraid, fears similar things. At least you have three books done, that my friend is a great accomplishment. Writing is important to share ideas, make people laugh and feel other emotions, it talks about society today, and what it could be. It takes about truth and lies we’ve all believed. Just keep writing. People care. And even if they don’t, care because you are writing to make you feel better telling stories. Good luck!

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  12. Hey Lisa, nice to meet you here, I came via Nikki at A Kinder Way. And yep, I can totally relate to this feeling. So much of what I write I second guess and overthink, even manuscripts I send in to my editor I agonise over. I’m starting to feel more confident though about writing from my heart, especially when the feedback is good. And if it’s not I’ll still keep doing what I’m doing. That’s all any of us can do, be true to ourselves. Good luck with all your writing Lisa and enjoy! 🙂

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  13. Pingback: Posts of Note (Week 7)

    • Wow! Thank you so very much!! I’m really honored! From the feedback I’m getting is that everyone is goes through the same things at one time or another. It’s just nice to know I’m not going through it alone.

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  14. That’s just how it is when we write. I constantly alternate between ISN’T IT MAGNIFICENT?!? and OMG THIS SUCKS BALLS! I’ve been told that’s how it goes. Focus on making the writing as authentic as the feelings and inevitably, some will think your words are magnificent while others think they suck balls. Write for you, write for the story.

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  15. I ask myself this at least once a week. “Is anyone out there? Is this worth my time?” I don’t think it is insecurity. I think it is the nature of writing. It is solitary work. At other jobs we hear both good and bad about our performance. But with writing, most of the work is done alone and we don’t get feedback. Crickets! Consider it a sanity check. We all walk around with stories and characters in our heads. If we don’t stop and talk to real people once in a while, we might end up in a padded room. When I get to this point, I just give myself a break. I stop writing and stop thinking about it. Then in a day or two, my brain is ready to roll again and ideas start flowing. Hang in there!

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  16. Fortunately the people that find your writing boring have already unsubscribed from your blog, so it’s a bit like preaching to the converted. We like what you write so just keep doing it.

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  17. Haha, the impatient part made me laugh. I said it is good to be critical. However one can be too critical in the wrong way. But that’s a whole different philosophical matter lol. It’s good tho to find a person that can give you constructive criticism I think.

    Oh well, what do I know lol 😊


  18. Most of us are insecure about writing. It’s part of it and part of the process. And loads of well known authors wrote lots of stuff and ripped it up as they weren’t happy with it. It’s good to be critical. And have people reading it who aren’t friends so they can perhaps tell you if your stories are good or need a bit of altering.

    Read my page about inspiration. I think Bukowski nailed it there.

    Furthermore, most people here are writers first of all. So writers that read writers stuff. Perhaps they are also readers like you, which is good. Getting it out to readers is the direction one needs to go ultimately, I think. I myself am not a reader. Except on here. I’m too impatient lol. Just saying that not all writers are readers.

    Keep writing! Good luck! 😇

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    • Yeah, your right about being critical. I think I need to get past being so critical that you don’t get my work out there and onto here. I’m off to look at your page now! Oh boy I understand impatience. I’m the kind of reader who reads the end first. And thank you!


  19. You must never think of your writing as boring and unoriginal. And the bit about a writer only having one story/book in them is utter rubbish. Keep writing and beleiving. I occasionally used to wonder if my stories were any good or original but thses days I have littele self doubt.
    Keep writing.

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  20. Hey Lovely… the only validation you need is your own voice.
    It doesn’t matter if it is has been written before, it doesn’t matter if someone finds your writing boring. What matters is that the words you put on paper (or pc screen) are the words that YOU want to write. A blog, a novel, a poem, a song, these are always about the author as much as the subject. You are as worthy and as talented as anyone else trying to get the words to the universe. You rock and even if you don’t know if someone is reading… the universe is, and that’re pretty awesome.

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      • *Waves back with energy* Hello Lovely… Yes, self validation has always been one of your struggles, but doing what you are doing now just proves that you are making enormous strides in your confidence, so very proud of you! And encouragement is easy when you believe that some is doing the right thing! xx

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  21. It’s hard to put your writing out there; it’s so personal. I don’t think that has changed for me, even after nine books. Part of it is just the way it is – we have to put it out there if we want someone to read it. I think, if we’ve done everything we can possibly do to make it a good book, then we should feel good about our work. Not everyone is going to like everything, so just go for it 🙂

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      • I still think of myself as a novice (that confidence thing ha ha). There is always more to learn and we can always get better, but everyone has to start at the beginning. A great thing about indie publishing (and a reason that I’m switching all my books to indie) is that as I learn, I can go back and apply what we learned to my previous books. This whole writing thing is an endless journey so we gotta love it!

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